Robert Helbig

Country: Brazil
Organization: Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS)

Robert worked at the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) in Brazil, a German NGO dedicated to political freedom and economic development. Operating out of Rio de Janeiro and funded by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, KAS has a track record of over four decades of training social entrepreneurs, as well as supporting transparency and socioeconomic development in Brazil. 

Robert: “The time at KAS has been very rewarding for a number of reasons: I learned a lot about project management, stakeholder management and innovation. I was able to improve my Portuguese skills from a basic level to limited working proficiency, so that I can follow my goal to keep focusing on Brazil beyond my time at KAS. Working with my highly experienced colleagues and genuinely kind people, I built a network of professional contacts and strong friendships that will benefit my professional and personal development beyond my time at The Fletcher School.
The time at the Foundation in Rio de Janeiro will have a lasting impact on me, and I also hope that I have become part of the solution to some of Brazil's problems. Of course, a
German NGO can only have a limited impact on the country's development, but I am certain that we are helping to move Brazil into the right direction to become a country of the future. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity that the Blakeley Foundation offered to me - muito obrigado!”