Country: Tanzania
Elisabeth worked for MicroEnsure, a subsidiary of Opportunity International, on a health microinsurance project for poor, small shareholder coffee farmers in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. She assisted the NGO with marketing and communications.
Country: Tanzania
Elisabeth worked for MicroEnsure, a subsidiary of Opportunity International, on a health microinsurance project for poor, small shareholder coffee farmers in the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro. She assisted the NGO with marketing and communications.
Country: Nicaragua
Meghan conducted the Program Evaluation of a microcredit and sustainable agriculture program in Leon, Nicaragua for SosteNica, a U.S.-based nonprofit that funds sustainable agriculture and development initiatives in rural Nicaragua . As the Evaluation Consultant, Meghan developed and conducted an assessment of the socio-economic and environmental impact of this pilot program on its participants.
Country: Nicaragua
Meghan conducted the Program Evaluation of a microcredit and sustainable agriculture program in Leon, Nicaragua for SosteNica, a U.S.-based nonprofit that funds sustainable agriculture and development initiatives in rural Nicaragua . As the Evaluation Consultant, Meghan developed and conducted an assessment of the socio-economic and environmental impact of this pilot program on its participants.
Countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala
Sebastián spent ten weeks working for Catholic Relief Services in Central America under the Agriculture for Needs (A4N) project, implemented in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. During this time, he traveled through these countries, interviewing farmers and women in savings groups, as well as local partners’ Staff. As a result of his work, CRS adapted a set of guidelines to be applied regionally for A4N. These guidelines set clear rules for local partners to implement the project and how to work wit the beneficiaries in delivering tangible and intangible inputs for agricultural production, small business, savings groups and large investments in productive infrastructures. Sebastián experienced firsthand the powerful effect that savings groups have in women’s lives and the challenges faced by rural households in the most impoverished areas in Central America.
Countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Guatemala
Sebastián spent ten weeks working for Catholic Relief Services in Central America under the Agriculture for Needs (A4N) project, implemented in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, and Guatemala. During this time, he traveled through these countries, interviewing farmers and women in savings groups, as well as local partners’ Staff. As a result of his work, CRS adapted a set of guidelines to be applied regionally for A4N. These guidelines set clear rules for local partners to implement the project and how to work wit the beneficiaries in delivering tangible and intangible inputs for agricultural production, small business, savings groups and large investments in productive infrastructures. Sebastián experienced firsthand the powerful effect that savings groups have in women’s lives and the challenges faced by rural households in the most impoverished areas in Central America.
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Jenya worked at Kompanion, a Microfinance Company established by Mercy Corps. She worked on monitoring and evaluating agricultural extension programs that Kompanion carries out as part of its development mission and also provided recommendations on how to develop a social performance management system for the company.
Country: Kyrgyzstan
Jenya worked at Kompanion, a Microfinance Company established by Mercy Corps. She worked on monitoring and evaluating agricultural extension programs that Kompanion carries out as part of its development mission and also provided recommendations on how to develop a social performance management system for the company.
Country: Catholic Relief Services
Jocelyn worked with Catholic Relief Services-Rwanda (CRS-Rw) to analyze how male and female farmers benefit differently from CRS’ agricultural and value-added production programs. She designed focus group surveys to meet with coffee, sweet potato, and cassava farmer’s groups. Her research was shared with the CRS-Rw livelihoods team to improve future agricultural and gender programming.
Country: Catholic Relief Services
Jocelyn worked with Catholic Relief Services-Rwanda (CRS-Rw) to analyze how male and female farmers benefit differently from CRS’ agricultural and value-added production programs. She designed focus group surveys to meet with coffee, sweet potato, and cassava farmer’s groups. Her research was shared with the CRS-Rw livelihoods team to improve future agricultural and gender programming.
Country: India
Jillian worked at CARE’s Economic Development Unit, examining and documenting agricultural projects put in place as part of the recovery process after the 2004 tsunami that devastated the east coast of India. She is analyzing agricultural and fisheries value chains, with an eye to using markets to empower women and support sustainable development
Country: India
Jillian worked at CARE’s Economic Development Unit, examining and documenting agricultural projects put in place as part of the recovery process after the 2004 tsunami that devastated the east coast of India. She is analyzing agricultural and fisheries value chains, with an eye to using markets to empower women and support sustainable development.
Country: Sri Lanka
Cheney served as the bridge between Kiva, BRAC, micro-entrepreneurs and lenders to streamline the loan posting process, monitor and evaluate repayment schedules to improve the new and emerging micro-finance industry in Sri Lanka
Country: Sri Lanka
Cheney served as the bridge between Kiva, BRAC, micro-entrepreneurs and lenders to streamline the loan posting process, monitor and evaluate repayment schedules to improve the new and emerging micro-finance industry in Sri Lanka.
Country: Afghanistan
Qiamuddin researched the prospects for small renewable energy enterprises and the role that micro-finance can play in providing capital to small entrepreneurs to develop this industry in Afghanistan and provided recommendations to First Micro-finance Bank.
Country: Afghanistan
Qiamuddin researched the prospects for small renewable energy enterprises and the role that micro-finance can play in providing capital to small entrepreneurs to develop this industry in Afghanistan and provided recommendations to First Micro-finance Bank.
Country: India
Jacqueline worked with World Health Partners, implementing private sector practices in the reproductive health service delivery, including efficient service delivery, bundling of goods, and monitoring and evaluation.
Country: India
Jacqueline worked with World Health Partners, implementing private sector practices in the reproductive health service delivery, including efficient service delivery, bundling of goods, and monitoring and evaluation.
Country: Lebanon
Rabeh worked at the Lebanese Transparency Association conducting an assessment and developing a business strategy for the creation of a new social enterprise for organic agricultural products with a focus on access to markets for the bottom of the pyramid.
Country: Lebanon
Rabeh worked at the Lebanese Transparency Association conducting an assessment and developing a business strategy for the creation of a new social enterprise for organic agricultural products with a focus on access to markets for the bottom of the pyramid.
Country: Sri Lanka
Cheney served as the bridge between Kiva, BRAC, micro-entrepreneurs and lenders to streamline the loan posting process, monitor and evaluate repayment schedules to improve the new and emerging micro-finance industry in Sri Lanka
Region: Central America
Rebecca worked for FINCA: interviewing 300 micro-finance loan recipients for their feedback on their experiences accessing and repaying funds, and the impact on of the loans on business growth. Findings were presented to the CEO of FINCA.
Country: Niger
Kristy was an intern with Catholic Relief Services, working on a cell phone literacy project, focusing on helping rural farmers create improved access to markets and in the identification of avenues for obtaining current pricing of products.
Country: Niger
Kristy was an intern with Catholic Relief Services, working on a cell phone literacy project, focusing on helping rural farmers create improved access to markets and in the identification of avenues for obtaining current pricing of products.
Countries: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador
Suzanne worked with Catholic Relief Services on the Agriculture for Basic Needs Project, analyzing the project in four countries (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador) with a special focus on the savings-led credit groups and the impact on sustainable agriculture, innovation and learning.
Countries: Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador
Suzanne worked with Catholic Relief Services on the Agriculture for Basic Needs Project, analyzing the project in four countries (Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras and El Salvador) with a special focus on the savings-led credit groups and the impact on sustainable agriculture, innovation and learning.
Country: Bangladesh
Yasuhiko developed recommendations for the top management of ASA, an MFI whose models has been introduced in more than 117 countries, to address the issue of overlapping borrowers and the overall loan portfolio quality.
Country: Bangladesh
Yasuhiko developed recommendations for the top management of ASA, an MFI whose models has been introduced in more than 117 countries, to address the issue of overlapping borrowers and the overall loan portfolio quality.
Christine / Andrew
Country: Tanzania
Christine assisted Twaweza, a Tanzanian based NGO with operations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, to prepare an evaluation plan and research existing data for a baseline survey. Designed a way to use cellular SMS to conduct surveys and designed a reporting system to report violence in a timely manner.
Andrew focused for CARE in remote villages where there had been no previous NGO intervention and limited government presence to develop a baseline survey, platform monitoring future progress and building local commerce.
Country: Tanzania
Christine assisted Twaweza, a Tanzanian based NGO with operations in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda, to prepare an evaluation plan and research existing data for a baseline survey. Designed a way to use cellular SMS to conduct surveys and designed a reporting system to report violence in a timely manner.
Andrew focused for CARE in remote villages where there had been no previous NGO intervention and limited government presence to develop a baseline survey, platform monitoring future progress and building local commerce.
Country: Nicaragua
Luis worked with a team from FINCA. Over 600 surveys were completed in 10 weeks and survey results, analysis and recommendations were presented to local FINCA management. The FINCA Client Assessment Tool (FCAT) was used for these microcredit social impact surveys.
Country: Nicaragua
Luis worked with a team from FINCA. Over 600 surveys were completed in 10 weeks and survey results, analysis and recommendations were presented to local FINCA management. The FINCA Client Assessment Tool (FCAT) was used for these microcredit social impact surveys.
Country: India
Lily held focus groups and interviewed members of farming communities to evaluate the efficacy of programs implemented by the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), an NGO working throughout South Asia. Developed crisis mapping scenarios, held financial literacy classes and prepared proposals for dealing with major urban disasters.
Country: India
Lily held focus groups and interviewed members of farming communities to evaluate the efficacy of programs implemented by the All India Disaster Mitigation Institute (AIDMI), an NGO working throughout South Asia. Developed crisis mapping scenarios, held financial literacy classes and prepared proposals for dealing with major urban disasters.
Joshua Haynes
Country: Niger
For Project ABC (Alphabetisation Basee par Cellulaire), Joshua Haynes created a software system that empowers rural farmers to make better economic decisions through information and literacy by using mobile phones to send SMS messages to check market prices of specific crops at different markets before traveling all the way to the market, saving transportation costs and providing the farmers with better prices for their crops.
He has since started his own Non-Profit, MASAWA, along with Julie Zollmann and three other former Blakeley Fellows. www.masawa.org
Country: Niger
For Project ABC (Alphabetisation Basee par Cellulaire), Joshua Haynes created a software system that empowers rural farmers to make better economic decisions through information and literacy by using mobile phones to send SMS messages to check market prices of specific crops at different markets before traveling all the way to the market, saving transportation costs and providing the farmers with better prices for their crops.
He has since started his own Non-Profit, MASAWA, along with Julie Zollmann and three other former Blakeley Fellows. www.masawa.org
Country: Uganda
Rebecca conducted focus group discussions and designed a program manual for Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), designed survey tools oversaw a pilot program in 8 schools. She also managed relationships with all partners on Google’s Social Impact Assessment including development of a study guideline and manual for marketing teams.
Country: Uganda
Rebecca conducted focus group discussions and designed a program manual for Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), designed survey tools oversaw a pilot program in 8 schools. She also managed relationships with all partners on Google’s Social Impact Assessment including development of a study guideline and manual for marketing teams.
Country: Brazil
Jaime worked with Mobile Metrix to define high impact health issues to focus on, validated results of government, NGO, academia and community programs and made recommendations relating to the coordination and cooperation of private and government health organizations.
Country: Brazil
Jaime worked with Mobile Metrix to define high impact health issues to focus on, validated results of government, NGO, academia and community programs and made recommendations relating to the coordination and cooperation of private and government health organizations.